Welcome to the Baking Mill's Index of

BASICS - The "How To"
If, while you grow up, you can do so in a kitchen beside a cook or baker, you have a blessing! You'll "learn the ropes" as they say . . . the basics - the "how to-s." And there are dozens of these cooking/baking "know hows" that are NOT written in each recipe, but with experience (or training), you just come to know. Some are necessary . . . & some make the process easier.
Including recipes into this website (when & as I have time) will be a sharing of some of the "I don't know what I would have done without this recipe" recipes. They have been made dozens of times through at least the past 20-50 years, if not more from past generations. And to make it easier for you to learn some "tricks of the trade," we'll add "how to-s" as we go along so that you, also, can come to know the "unwritten ways" of what you need or will be thankful to know! But then again, to add this info in the website is probably not necessary as you have the benefit of the internet today :).
Basic How-tos
Cleaning Beaters
Cracking an Egg
Measuring Baking Soda Measuring "packed" brown sugar

Going with the Grain
Recipes are a fabulous treasure & if hand written, are a special, personal keepsake of someone. Those from Grandma have just the ingredients . . . no instructions because everyone knew what to do . . . no oven temps because the baking was done in a wood-fired oven, OR when electric came in, you "just knew" to try everything at 350 & adjust from there!
For years I kept a stack of 4"x6" index (recipe) cards with me to jot down a recipe . . . from the radio - T.V., a magazine - cookbook, what we ate at someone's home. For cookie exchanges & pot lucks, I asked people to also include a copy of the recipe. It's a joy to remember people & events, places you've been, as, in time, you go through those 10s or 100s of recipe cards.
RHUBARB - Crunch, Dessert, Dream Bars, Cake
TURKEY - Burgers ~ Could Not Have Done W/out this recipe!

RECIPES - No Grain, but Good!
Besides cooking & baking with grains, there are many recipes that I couldn't have done without, especially with a family of children & a tight budget. These have been gathered through the past 50 years, are all tried & true, & worth copying down & using to stretch that dollar for quantity & variety. ENJOY!
(In time, & when there's time, I'd love to share a few dozen of these with you, especially for the years of raising children because of the economic benefits of "stretching the dollar." And it's needed just as much today in the 2020s as at any other time for most "stay at home moms/parents."
Even such a thing as knowing how to use 3 cake decorating tips, & having the benefit of all on-line teaching videos on You Tube today & a can of pre-made frosting for practicing {vs. me paying for & taking a 6-week cake decorating class in the 1970s, although tremendous fun with the other ladies}, can save HUGE amounts of money & give your family ~especially children~ the fun & fancy benefits of "special" times & days at home.)