GERMANY - S to W Lebkuchen Companies w/Tins
~ the lesser-known lebkuchen companies which existed in the past ~

The following is the list of the older and lesser known German Lebkuchen companies discovered so far, whose names begin with the letters S through W.  At least one tin (or more for some) is known to exist for these S - W companies & if there's one in the Tins of Taste collection*, in time it will also be posted to this page.

1-Sarotti; 2-Schmidt Bros.; 3-Scholler*; 4~Turmer*; 5~Weissella* (Is this part of Weiss?); 6~Wölfel*; 7~Unknown company tins.  (Hans Schneider and Martin Wirsing are listed under the first names, H & M.)

NOTE:  Schuhmann, Seim, Weiss, & Wicklein each have their own page.

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GERMANY - S to W Lebkuchen Companies w/Tins (the lesser-known companies)

So far a tin for the following German Lebkuchen company is on this page: 2_xxxxx

* * * * * * * * * * * *

The following is the list of the German Lebkuchen companies discovered so far, whose names begin with the letters H - N. At least one tin (or more for some) is known to exist for these other H - N companies & in time will also be posted to this Tins of Taste page, but for 3 (*#) there is yet no tin in the collection. 

1~Hans Schneider*#; 2~Hopfner Druck; 3~Hutner*#; 4~Keim & Co.; 5~Mark Graf; 6~Martin Wirsing - Bayreuth*#; 7~Nusselt

NOTE: Haeberlein-Metzger, Lambertz - 1688, and Matthias Stielfried have their own pages.

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