Recognition of Your Connection to Bread Culture
If you, personally, have a business/profession-aligned presence designated with Bread Culture, have a website, or website presence such as Instagram, or a blog, or other advertising representing your bread culture connection, and have given a financial donation/gift of at least $35, and would help advertise the NBM* on your website in order to help promote this website and fund-raising project, your name & online website address can be listed as a Supporting Partner of the National Bread Museum in order to help advertise your role in the Bread Culture community of this country.
If an association, auxiliary, club, council, community, department, division, organization, etc., wishes to donate in its name with a minimum of at least $75, and would help advertise and promote the NBM's* website and fund-raising project, you can be listed by name and website address as a Supporting Partner of the National Bread Museum in order to help advertise your role in support of the Bread Culture community of this country.
If you own or work with a company aligned in one way or another with Bread Culture, and are the authority to donate financially with at least a $150 minimum, or give in some other agreed-upon donation form (in equal or greater value) with the NBM's Board of Directors, the company can be listed as a supporting Company-Partner of the National Bread Museum.
*NBM - National Bread Museum of Grain-Baking-Bread Culture

WHEAT under $100

RYE over $100
CORN over $50,000

RICE over $500
BULGUR over $100,000

QUINOA $1,000+
BUCKWHEAT over $250,000

OATS $5,000+
BARLEY over $500,000

AMARANTH over $1,000,000