** Tins of Taste Museum ** within NationalBreadMuseum.org
USA: A-B ~ Companies w/Tins
On this page are the individual, alphabetical, A - B companies, including the companies in the Groups of
1) Baking Powder, Baking Soda, Corn Starch; and 2) Beverages: Beer, Soda-Pop, Liquor, Wine.
~ Table of Contents ~
Note that the names in bold and in this color are the ones which, so far, have a tin displayed on this page.
Aunt Jemima (pancakes)
G R O U P #1:
Baking Powder, Baking Soda, Corn Starch
Arm & Hammer (a box)
Calumet Baking Powder
Clabber Girl Baking Powder
Clabber Girl Corn Starch
. . . . . (both with a paper wrapper, plastic cover )
Fleishmann (baking powder)
K C Baking Powder
Rumford (baking powder box –B. Soda)
Group #1 Ends ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Beverages: Special Beer & Soda-Pop cans of interest; Liquor, Wine, etc.
A & W Root Beer
Canada Dry
Coca Cola (NOTE: So Many - It's a separate page.)
Budweiser (19 May 2015 Statue of Liberty . . . . . . . with the U.S. flag from a bar display)
Frozen Run Birch (Pennsylvania Black Bear)
*Miller High Life (Milwaukee, WI)
*New Glarus Brewing Co. "Ale" (New Glarus, WI)
*Old Milwaukee
Orange Bomber MT
*Raised Grain Brewing Co. (Waukesha, WI)
San Fran Cookies & Cream Liquer
*Stubborn Brothers Brewery (Shawano, WI) Three Floyds Gumballhead Pale Ale *Titletown Brewing Co (Green Bay, WI)
Virtue Cider
Waterloo Sparkling Water…..
*Italics = Wisconsin
Maud Borup "Beer Cans" w/Bread Mix
A German Wine made in the U.S. - Kayser #2927
Group #2 Ends ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
B - continues
"Big Mac"
Boy Scouts' Trails End Popcorn
Brown Bag Original Cookies
Aunt Jemima (pancakes)
Begin Group #1 for
Baking Powder & Baking Soda
Arm & Hammer (a box)
Baker's Corner (Aldi Grocery Stores)
Calumet Baking Powder (c. 1889 in Chicago, Illinois [abbreviations: formerly Ill; today IL])

The invention of baking powder must have truly seemed like a miracle to our baking grandmothers "back then" - mid-to-later 1800s. Of course, we've all grown up taking this item for granted with baking, and it's hard to imagine the baked items 150+ years ago without this rising agent. Calumet was created in 1889. You'll get the full scoop in this story: https://www.madeinchicagomuseum.com/single-post/calumet-baking-powder-co/
CLABBER GIRL - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clabber_Girl
Brands: Clabber Girl, Davis, Hearth Club, Royal, Rumford; 2019 - BG Foods acquires Clabber Girl - $80M
Clabber Girl (baking powder) . . . . . (& paper wrapper, plastic cover
About baking powder: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/great-uprising-how-powder-revolutionized-baking-180963772/
Clabber Girl Corn Starch (c. 1923) . . . (& paper wrapper, plastic cover) company site: https://clabbergirl.com/
Pics of Products: https://clabbergirl.com/products/?_product_category=corn-starch
Fleishmann (baking powder)
KC Baking Powder - "Guaranteed - True Height Can" (date unknown, but around early 1900s )
In searching for some history on this KC Baking Powder company, I came across my first peer who's also building a museum online:
It turns out that KC baking powder was made by the Jaques MFG Co. in Chicago which was established in 1890. Originally there was a paper label on this tin.
Rumford (baking powder box – B. Soda)
End of Group #1 for
Baking Powder & Baking Soda
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Begin Group #2 for Beverages:
Beer - Soda-Pop - Liquor - Wine
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The Tins of Taste collection is mostly short-run-designed tins made for a special time, place, event, etc. The long-run-designed tins such as a spice or condiment in "the same tin" for 50 years is very seldom made today with companies moving into plastic or a foil-or other-lined cardboard container.
Therefore, there has never been any intent within the Tins of Taste collection, to include "the world" of beer & soda pop cans (& mainly because they are not tin, but aluminum -- once in awhile old ones were of a steel substance). There are literally thousands, and it's never been an interest like the food-product tins. But once in a while one catches my eye because of the design, color, or name (history & a story to tell), & I'll pick it up, especially because it's always a gift (otherwise going into the garbage)! So this is just a short run (& mostly since Year 2000).
SODA CANS -- Sometimes called "soda" cans, or "pop" cans, or "soda pop" cans
7-Up (c. 1929) - Some history of 7-Up: https://www.historyoasis.com/post/7-up
Read a very interesting blog paragraph about this 7up can from the 1976, BICENTENNIAL year, 50-State set at:

The blog person said that following instructions on Can #1, & stacking them in a pyramid, you had the image of Uncle Sam! See photo on the blog.
In 1976, 7up released a bicentennial 50-can "United We Stand" set.

A&W - Been around forever! (c. 1876)

Canada Dry
Pepsi - Been around forever! (c. 1893)

NOTE: Coca Cola has such a great number of cans and tins, that it will be on its own separate page.
BEER CANS BEGIN HERE ~ ~ ~ along with some bottle caps! You still need a church key in your pocket now & then if you're a beer drinker & you're going to an outing!
Anhauser Busch - Budweiser (c. 1879 Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association name began)

Budweiser (c. 1876) (Statue of Liberty w~flag - 19 May 2015 - from a bar display)

A family Christmas party is held in a motel-inn with a party room for rent, & they allow food & drinks to be taken in - the only one in a town of 75,000. Each adult guest gets 2 complimentary bar drinks of choice. I'm not a beer drinker, but usually take my 2 cans home for beer bread or biscuits. Last Christmas (2023), I was chatting with a man, sitting on a bar stool, thinking he was a customer, & telling him about my Tins of Taste Museum after I saw this empty can on the highest display shelf behind the bar & commenting on the wonderful "history-related" image. Within a minute or two he went around the bar, climbed on something, & rearranged the display row after taking this down & giving it to me. Therefore, it's most special! c. 2015
Coors (c. 1873)

Coors Light came out in 1978, but the company began 105 years earlier - in 1873 in Golden, Colorado.
Frozen Run Black Bear Mountain Birch (Pennsylvania Black Bear info on can) (c. 2003)
Reading through some info in a "search," it seems as if this is no longer made.
*Miller High Life ..... Milwaukee, WI (c. 1903; 1855 Miller Brewing began.)

"Miller High Life - - the Champagne of Bottled Beer" was a long-running, print & musical, advertising slogan for this beer during the 1950s 'n 60s when I grew up in Wisconsin. I can still hear it because in those decades, T.V. commercials were filled with ads for beers & cigarettes. The Miller Brewing Company, which began in 1855 by a German immigrant in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, began this beer in 1903.
*New Glarus Brewing Co. (Ale) ..... New Glarus, WI

In 1845, 108 Swiss settled in New Glarus, WI, & it's known as America's Little Switzerland.

If you're ever driving in this area, a bit west of Madison, Wisconsin, plan to stop in for awhile to transport yourself to Switzerland. See this short intro:
And you can be more prepared with this history tour:
*Old Milwaukee (c. 1934; brewed out of the Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company, c. 1849) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Milwaukee
Orange Bomber MT
*Raised Grain Brewing Co. …..Waukesha, WI (c. 9-2015)

Raised Grain Brewing Co. opened in Waukesha, Wisconsin, (near Milwaukee) in September 2015.
San Fran Cookies & Cream Liquer
*Stubborn Brothers Brewery ….. Shawano, WI (shaw' no) - (c. about 2018-20)

From Wisconsin: America's Dairyland (& make sure you say Shaw'-no; skip the 2nd a.)
If during your life so far, you don't know of
<---Paul Harvey, and his "the rest of the story," here's a website with all 600 episodes:
Three Floyds Gumballhead Pale Ale ..... Munster, IN (c. 6-21-2019)

Began as a settlement of Dutch immigrants. From their Historical Society:
*Titletown Brewing Co. ..... Green Bay, Wisconsin (c. 1996) https://www.titletownbrewing.com/about

Where else is "Titletown" than Green Bay, Wisconsin, home of the Packers football team? The team began in 1919, by a football player who went on to be the team coach, Curly "Lambeau" - the name of the field/stadium they play on today. Green Bay became Titletown after the Packers won the 1st two Super Bowls in 1967 & '68, under an amazing coach, Vince Lombardi. The name stuck, even though they didn't get to the Bowl again until #31 ('97), lost in #32 ('98), & #45 (2011) won again.
You can read "All About It" today on:
Virtue Cider (below) ... Portland, OR - - - - - & Waterloo Sparkling Water (right) ... Austin, TX

<-----Virtue Cider from Portland, Oregon. It says it's the "Proper Farmhouse Cider" (i.e., an apple cider).
When this was -----> recently given to a friend, & she said she wasn't keeping the can, I asked for it. It's a brand from Austin, Texas (2023).

Cider History: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cider_in_the_United_StatesVirtue Cider info:
If the above wasn't enough, here's a l-o-n-g podcast transcript!
Waterloo Sparkling Water info:
Ranking a dozen+ flavors: https://www.thedailymeal.com/1358298/waterloo-sparking-water-flavors-ranked/ (Click "continue without" on the popup.)
Maud Borup "Beer Cans" w/Bread Mix - www.maudborup.com
This was a neat marketing idea, to put a Stout Brownie, Premium Beer Bread, or Oatmeal Stout Bread mix in beer-fashioned cans with a removeable lid/cover. [Christmas - 2018; 2.25 x 6.5" (TTM#3237-8-9) $5.99 each]
A German Wine made in the U.S. . . . . . Kayser (TTM#2927)
End of Group #2 for Beverages:
Beer - Soda-Pop - Liquor - Wine
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"Big Mac"
Boy Scouts' Trails End Popcorn - since 1980 (Boy Scouts: c. 1910 in the USA; 1908 in England)
Since 1980, the Boy Scouts program has been selling popcorn & a few other products in many Trail's End tins.
Brown Bag Original Cookies
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