This is the index of what currently exists with this online website for
the National Bread Museum complex,
& the vision/plans of what can & hopefully will exist with an on-land facility.
Why there's a need to develop the National Bread Museum of Grain-Baking-Bread Culture in a physical location:

The National Bread Museum
of Grain-Baking-Bread Culture
has been recognized, representing the United States, in the European-based
Atlas – Bread Museums in Europe & Beyond, at BreadCulture.net.
"When we document this history in real life with visuals, where people can see - hold - experience something of the past & the life of their family ancestors, there's a significance of reality that touches our lives that can't be gained in any other way. So it's vital that we establish the National Bread Museum on land!" (a supporter)
Regarding the following index,
* = Visual & Info Museum Components which already are, or can be added into the online website format.
All unmarked components, such as the attached, hands-on Study Centers, need to originate in a physical space,
& will be in the on-land museum. It's then possible to provide in person & online seminars.
These additional units will be provided as educational sessions, classes, workshops, take-home projects, seminars, public awareness programs, & such.

Areas of Study
* Baking Culture Artifacts
--Collecting & Antiquing
--Significance of historical preservation
--Personalizing Family Heritage & Learning of Grandma's Baking Legacy (about 1850 through 1999)
--Design & Engineering for both "baking" & "ag" items through history
*Ag Culture Artifacts
--The shift in using our land.
--"For more than 100 yrs. the U.S. has been the food basket of the world." (one book resource: A Miracle That Changed the World: The 5000 Year Leap - Principles of Freedom 101; ©2006, W. Cleon Skousen, www.nccs.net; p. xvii)
*A Resource of History & Today: Guidance to the various grains, mills, education programs & colleges, careers-professions, associations & affiliates supporting the theme of "ag/grain-milling-flour-bread/baking."

*Library & Ephemera Archive of Bread Culture
*Grandma's Legacy – Tribute & Honor Archive to our ancestral grandmothers for the contribution millions of them gave in the development of our country, and are not to be forgotten.
*History of Cookbook Culture – a Timeline; Shifts in the 1900s; Cultural Changes; Foreign Influences via Immigration; TV Shows & Advertising; Fads usually "sweep the country, & come & go," but some have stayed with us such as fondue, crepes, tacos, Chinese Buffets, etc. The Cookbook Culture also includes magazines & all the other printed materials, especially what used to be the "Women's Section" of daily newspapers.
*Identifying significant cookbook sources, archives, etc., & sources of notable, historical baking-related information. See the beginning of this resource in the "Library & Ephemera" section in the main MENU, in the link of Cookbook Culture. On that page, scroll down to the green area to find "Website Resources."
*Listing people & their influence through their books (& their place in history, TV shows, businesses, etc.)
*U.S. government; FDA, etc. published works
(Hands-on in the Dough)

Daily demos & "hands in the dough" sessions for museum visitors.
Being part of the Bread Houses Network program.
Being accepted as a Road Scholar (former Elder Hostel) destination program.
Identifying & Integrating Programming regarding Immigration Influences – Baking Heritage History.
Speakers, Authors, Bloggers, being guests attached to in-person events.
Baking Competition Events, Festivals, & such.

A Hole-in-the-Wall bake oven
Bakery – retail outlet (job development)
Educational programming; Classes & training on constructing & using outdoor brick/stone ovens
Providing Apprenticeship Support to MCC's Culinary Institute programming & students
Hosting Bread Festivals

A Weekly Visiting Chef
A Weekly Menu coinciding with a subject matter (holiday, culture, season, food, country - travel, etc.)
Would offer Apprenticeship for MCC/Omaha Culinary Institute's program & students
Local Guest Bakers/Home Bakers offering their cultural-background baked goods in a "neighborhood table" eatery - community/meeting place;
For internationals, whether adult students or immigrants, an American-association Gathering Program

*Food tins (emphasis on tins of baked goods); Current collection - 4,000+: about 2K European+ & 2K USA.
From all known sources, this is thought to be the largest
or 2nd largest German Lebkuchen tin collection in the world! This website is
the only known source in the world (at least online)
of documenting all historical
& current Lebkuchen companies with a "tin" history which began in the 1890s. (Please email breadmuseum@aol.com if you can help provide more info on Leb. companies.)
*Art-on-Tin History
*Advertising – Graphics – Shifts in Cultural Perceptions (societal pressure to change images)
*History of changes/shifts in Packaging, Containers, Cost Margin, Viability for Contents, etc.

*Baking influences woven into the American culture
*Cultural Artifacts representing countries world-wide
Geography of the 50 states – globe – maps – language – environment – immigration/migration
*Movements affecting the U.S. culture, available crops for food/water in home countries
*Who's our/your neighbor? Over 123 languages in Omaha Public Schools around 2020
Immigrants assimilating into the American culture via baking and ESL
Psalm 104:14-15 . . .
He causes the grass to grow for the cattle, and vegetation for the service of
man, that he may bring forth food from the earth, and wine that makes glad the
heart of man, oil
to make his face shine,
and bread which strengthens man's heart.
The following programs are not yet mentioned in the MENU of National Bread Museum components. If someone knowledgeable takes on the leadership, they can be stand-alone programs with an available on-the-land facility as a meeting place. But until then, at least the vision is expressed, as there are many people who'd benefit greatly from each.
8. The City Club
A Hands-on, in the Neighborhood, Skill Building Program like 4-H or Scouts
This has long been an idea to incorporate within the National Bread Museum program. I (Donna, the Founder) grew up through my age 10-18 years by being in 4-H (invaluable!). Generally thought of as a program for "rural/i.e. farm" kids, it is anything but that today! The amazing number & variety of "projects" exhibited at county & state fairs today are way beyond "the farm." Every one of my projects, except dairy & sheep (plus the other large animals such as goats, pigs-hogs, horses, geese, chickens, etc.), would be possible for every "city kid." My younger brother even had "rabbits" all his teen years after moving "to town."
The rewards are: the outcomes of competition, internal leadership skills, practical application to life, ethics, virtues, building a moral character, self-discipline, & such. Who doesn't want employees with these traits?
Project skills taught by adults volunteering their "know how" to a younger generation is extremely significant to the American Way & development of our culture. Just a few of the benefits are:
*Generational association of younger people having a "grandparent-age teacher" in their life, teaching them a skill;
*Handcrafts of yesteryear or a "unique work" created by someone, being passed on down to another;
*A program (Jan.-Oct.) overlapping the summer months for children & teens who otherwise have "empty hours;"
*A public exhibit of project work with competitive awards (i.e. 1st-4th);
*and the list goes on . . .
9. Go On Tour

There's nothing like a trip to where you've never been before❣
The enjoyment and benefits of Travel & Tourism, along with gaining an expanded education, begins at the home of the National Bread Museum . . .
Combo packets of short (as in days) to longer (a week or so) Baking Experiences: half in the Baking Mill & half on the road (e.g., the original Elder Hostel, & today's Road Scholar, educational travel experiences.)
Then there's the vision to Travel the World beginning in Europe, Asia, & Africa, via Bread Museums & Bread Festivals, with a Chocolate Museum thrown in on the side; And the chance to search for historic, cultural, or other treasures in the flea markets/flohmarkts - souks - bazaars, etc., which is an absolute must!
10. Publishing - Journalism

The NBM baking magazine - title to be announced if this
comes about.
Creative Employment opportunities ~
Journalism - Publishing - Content Ideas: creative journalism opportunities around the world for budding journalists in high school, college, or beyond to get published. Submitted articles are donated (not earning any income from the article), based on how some magazines have been created with all donated recipes. Also, the writer would be living in the area/country of the world they are interviewing, researching, & writing about. The articles/stories, photos, & related recipes would be developed into a monthly/bi-monthly/quarterly retail publication offering subject matter around any assortment of bread culture related items such as:
1) a home baker zeroing in on a "food" related to a U. S. state; the history behind how it came to be;
2) a counterpart home baker in a foreign country with something baked as a cultural identity;
3) a home baker in the U.S. with heritage baking (handed down & tied to a foreign country/culture);
4) a bakery in a U.S. state-territory which began on a family's recipes;
5) a counterpart bakery in a foreign country; style of bread ovens in that country;
6) taking a grain & its growth in the U.S. - the "farm life" today of growing grains to feed everyone;
7) again, a counterpart of that grain being grown in another country;
8) baking based on traditions & history related to the month (a holiday; a season; an observed tradition regarding a religion, culture, etc.);
9) the story of an operating windmill grinding grain;
10) the history story behind the group who made a spiral bound/community, fund-raising book
11) Readers' entries of "What I found on a trip to such-'n-such place in the world."
12) Cookbook Culture as to what was popular 100 years ago, & now, this month in time;
13) Baking artifacts of both time-gone-by, &/or used today; maybe unusual; its significance; a back story;
14) a personal interview, history, recipe/baking related, 'back in the day / time gone by" era via Grandma💓
15) . . . another idea to continue beyond a baker's dozen!
11. the Bread Machine

the Incredible Bread Machine by Campus Studies The invaluable study of E C O N O M I C $, & Grandma'$ $ vs. our$.
You'd sure think that this paperback would be "all about bread," but what a surprise and an extremely valuable & interesting book of articles on economics written in 1974. It is an update & extensive revision of R. W. Grant's 1966 book by the same name, which is sold as a revised & expanded 1999 edition.
Many years ago I read that the most important knowledge each of our federal congressional and state legislators is to possess is "economics" of free market capitalism vs. government intervention & its effects of attempts to regulate economic activity. So how much do we know in order to question candidates?!?
A quote from the R. W. Grant poem titled "Tom Smith and His Incredible Bread Machine" says a lot:
True, loaves cost a dollar each. But our leaders do their best. The selling price is half a cent. (Taxes pay the rest!)
12. The Staff of Life
The Bread of Life
Our Country's Foundation of Grains, Graces, & Government
Foundational elements of knowledge our grandmas & grandpas relied upon to build this country. Principles of freedoms and liberties - What are they? . . . Where did they come from?
Poor Richard's Almanac - History, Contents, Value, and time goes on . . .
the Bible - Genesis 1:11-12