** TINS of TASTE MUSEUM ** within the NationalBreadMuseum.org
USA - Company/Subject Index of Tins
The majority of the tins representing all the companies or subjects listed below on this INDEX page, were originally sold with a food or beverage item in them. I'd say the 1990's decade probably had the greatest number of special-decorative-commemorative U. S. food product tins. This will be verified the day in the future when all the tins are documented here!😉 Donna Kozak, Founder

Here's a preview of the historic lineup of subjects & companies with tins representing the USA. The majority of tins were originally sold with a food item in it. This page is THE MAIN USA INDEX LIST. As tins are posted on the noted pages in this color (with an underline as a link), the names on this & those pages will be set in bold print when photos of those tins are posted.
Food Groups included in this A-C column besides individual company listings:
Menu/Index Page for: "USA - A - B"
1) Baking Powder & Baking Soda
2) Beer, Soda Cans, Liquor, Wine
Menu/Index Page for: "USA - Coca-Cola"
Menu/Index Page for: "USA - C"
3) Candy - Gum
4) Cereals
5) Cocoa - Hot Chocolate
6) Coffee
Menu/Index Page: "USA - A - B"
for the following:
FOODS – Assorted
Aunt Jemima (pancakes)
G R O U P:
1) Baking Powder & Baking Soda
Arm & Hammer (a box)
Calumet Baking Powder
Clabber Girl (baking powder)
. . . . . (& paper wrapper, plastic cover )
Fleishmann (baking powder)
K C Baking Powder
Rumford (baking powder box –B. Soda)
End of group ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
G R O U P:
2) Special Beer & Soda Cans of interest; Liquor, Wine, etc.
A & W
Canada Dry
Coca-Cola (NOTE - a separate Index Page)
Anhauser Busch
Budweiser (19 May 2015 Statue of Liberty . . . . . . . . . . w~flag from bar display)
Frozen Run (PA Black Bear)
*Miller High Life
*New Glarus Brewing Co. (Ale)
*Old Milwaukee
Orange Bomber MT
*Raised Grain Brewing Co. …..Waukesha, WI
San Fran Cookies & Cream Liquer
*Stubborn Brothers Brewery, …..Shawano, WI
*Titletown Brewing Co (Green Bay, WI)
Three Floyds Gumballhead Pale Ale *Titletown Brewing Co (Green Bay, WI)
Virtue Cider
Waterloo Sparkling Water…..
*Italics = Wisconsin
Maud Borup "Beer Cans" w/Bread Mix
A German Wine made in the U.S.
. . . . . #2927 Kayser
End of group ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"Big Mac"
Boy Scouts' Trails End Popcorn
Brown Bag Original Cookies
Campbell's Soups
G R O U P:
3) Candy- Gum
After Eight
Andes Mints
Boston Baked Beans (candy)
Baby Ruth; Baseball
Fanny Farmer
GooGoo Cluster
Lancaster Co.-Simon's Candy
Life Savers
3 Musketeers
M & M's
M & M Peanut
Mars Bars
Milky Way
Mrs. Leland's Old Fash. Butter Bits
- - - Nestlé
Nestlé Bit-O-Honey
Nestlé Butterfinger
Nestlé Crunch
Nestlé Sweet Tarts
Old Mission Candies
Reese's Rocky Mountain Chocolate
Russell Stover
Scripture Candy
See's Candies
Swiss Colony
"The Chiefs Jelly Beans"
Tootsie Roll
Werther's Original
Willy Wonka
End of group 3) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
G R O U P:
4) Cereals
All Bran
Chex Party Mix
Cream of Wheat
Gerber's (cereal)
Kellogg's Corn Flakes
Kellogg's Rice Krispies
Quaker Oats
Shredded Wheat
End of group 4) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"Chicago Candy Capitol" (Navy Pier)
G R O U P:
5) Cocoa - Hot Chocolate
Carnation Hot Cocoa
Hershey's Cocoa
McSteven's Kid's Cocoa
"Snoopy" Hot Chocolate - McSteven's
Swiss Colony, The
Van Houten Dutch Cocoa (USA?)
End of group 5) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
G R O U P:
6) Coffee
Chase & Sanborn Coffee
Hills Bros. Coffee
J. A. Folger (coffee)
Maxwell House (coffee)
Proctor & Gamble (coffee)
End of group 6) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Collins Street Bakery (fruitcake)
Cracker Jacks (caramel corn)

Food Groups included in this D-W column besides individual company listings:
7) Lebkuchen in the U.S.
8) Popcorn Cans (HUGE)
9) Seasonings
. . . & to the end of the alphabet related to food
David's Cookies
Fig Newtons (100th Ann)
Fleishmann (yeast)
Gold Medal-Washburn Crosby (flour)
Heinz Pearls
H. J. Heinz Pickles
Hungry Jack (pancake, etc.)
Lady Walton's (Dallas)
G R O U P:
7) Lebkuchen in the U.S. - 50-70+ years old:
Ericann's - Chicago
McNally's - Ohio
Roll Biscuit Co., NY (Two Bees)
End of group 7) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Little Debbie
Lipton's Tea
Log Cabin (Maple Syrup)
Martin's Wisconsin Cherries
Meadow Gold Vanilla Ice Cream
Mom & Popcorn
Mr. Peanut
Mrs. Fields
Nabisco Oreos
Nabisco – Uneeda Biscuits
National Biscuit Co (Oreo)
Nestle Pretzel
Nestle Toll House
Newman's Own Pretzels
Orville Redenbacher Popcorn
"Peppermint Crunch Cookies" (by Land's End, . . . . . Dodgeville WI)
Peter Pan Peanut Butter
Pilgrim Fruit Cake (very old)
Pillsbury Flour, Cookbooks, & more
Pirouline Rolled Wafers
Planter's Peanuts
G R O U P:
8) Popcorn
Cans- HUGE (3+ Gallon size)
12 Days-Xmas
1966 Olympics-Atlanta
All Victorian Angels
CocaCola Ad signs
CocaCola cars
Coca Cola Santas
CocaCola World Map
Country Simple Art, 4 panels
cows: "Silent Night Holy Cow"
Globe around the tin
Home on the Plains, etc.
Orange Santa/Stained Glass
"Peace be To This House"
Pepsi advertising signs
Sat Even Post-Rockwell
Statue of Liberty 1776-1976
Stockbridge, MA (Pretzels)
Toy Soldiers
Windmill & Santa's Elves
End of group 8) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
PopPourri Pop Corn
Princeton Popcorn Co.
Pure Maple Syrup
Purina Biscuits
Ritz Crackers
Saltina Biscuit
Saltine Crackers
Sam's Club
G R O U P:
9) Seasonings
Crown Colony (Cream of Tartar)
Pure Test (Cream of Tartar)
Red Owl
Wagner's Seasoning
End of group 9) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Smuckers (jam, jelly)
Sturgis Pretzels (Reading, PA)
Sun Maid Raisins
Sunshine Biscuits (IL)
Tetley Tea
Toll House (chocolate chips)
Uncle Ben's Rice
Uneeda Biscuits
Vermont Common Crackers
Walmart's own Cookie Tins
Welch's (jam)
"What's Poppin" PA Dutch
Wheat Thins (crackers)
William Sonoma

Groups 10) through 15) in this column.
This is all of the Non-Food Name companies besides individual company & subject listings.
10) Recipe Boxes
11) Artists
12) Military
13) Movie & Music Stars
14) Sewing
15) Sports
16) History
G R O U P:
Campbell Soup
Cream Cheese
Cream of Wheat
Crock Pot – 1
Crock Pot – 2
C. W. Post
Land 'O Lakes
M & M Ragu
"Village Library"
End of group 10) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Most of these were sold with a food or drink item in the tin.
Alice in Wonderland
ALPO (dog food)
American Girls
G R O U P:
11) Artists
Currier & Ives
Mary Engelbreit
Norman Rockwell
Terry Redlin
Thomas Kinkade
Thomas Nast
End of group 11) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Boy Scouts
Bugs Bunny (cartoons)
Crayola Color Crayons
Farmer's Almanac (200th Ann)
Farming & Animals
Ferry Morse Seed Co.
G I Joe (game)
Girl Scouts
Good Housekeeping (magazine, cookbooks)
Hallmark (cards, stationery)
Kodak (photography)
Looney Tunes (cartoons)
Lunch Pails
Macy's (house)
Marshall Field, Chicago
Mickey Mouse (cartoons)
G R O U P:
12) Military
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Military
Pork Issue
AAFES-100 Year Anniversary
End of group 12) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Milkbone Dog Biscuits
Monopoly (game)
G R O U P:
13) Movie & Music Stars
Fred Astaire
End of group 13) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Noah's Ark
Nursery Rhymes & Stories
Olympics 1996-Atlanta
Plaza Lights (Kansas City.)
Sat. Evening Post (magazine)
Scrabble (board game)
G R O U P:
14) Sewing
Clark's ONT Sewing Thread J. P. Coats
Simplicity Patterns
Singer (sewing machines)
End of group 14) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Snoopy & Peanuts (cartoons)(music box)
G R O U P:
15) Sports
Football Stadium
End of group 15) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The Broadmoor (Hotel) (1939
Tonka Toys
Walt Disney
Willy Wonka
G R O U P:
16) History
American Flag
Bald Eagle
Boston Tea Party
Chisholm Trail
Christopher Columbus
3 Clipper Ships
Covered Bridge
Drum w/Soldiers
Great Moments
George Washington
American Indians
Lancaster Co. - Amish
Liberty Bell
Lincoln Gettysburg Address
Map of the World
Mt. Rushmore
Mt. Vernon
Old Missions
Olympics 1996 Atlanta
Pony Express/Santa Fe Trail
Presidents of the U. S.
Sir Walter Raleigh
Statue of Liberty
U. S. Constitution 200th Ann.
Valley Forge
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