** TINS of TASTE MUSEUM ** within the NationalBreadMuseum.org

Feyler Lebkuchen
in Coburg

Wilhelm Feyler - 1892
Rosengasse 6-8, 96450 Coburg, Germany
It all began with a recipe!
For years I've had this exquisite tin from the Wilhelm Feyler company on a shelf, & because the company never popped up in a search engine list of "German Lebkuchen companies," I thought they no longer existed. But today with some extra searching (it all takes time!!!), here they've been in business all along . . . for decades! Ooooh, the tins I must have missed :(.

There are no dates on any of these older tins, and no info on the bottoms, so all would have been made prior to the early 1980s. The day when I have the means of unpacking all tins, I could determine more accuracy of when the Food Labeling date began on tins. But mind you, even today the date is not always on the tin itself, if it's sold inside a box. With some companies, the "expiration date" is stamped on the box. If that doesn't stay with the tin, & someone doesn't write the date on the tin, there's still no record of when that tin was made!
This following grouping of 10 items represents only some of the tins and heavy cardstock containers used by Feyler for their variety of Lebkuchen and other assorted cookies for the 2023 Christmas season. The detailed photos of each follows. There is no imprinting information on the bottoms of these tins.
If there is a (TTM#), it is only an internal, cataloging reference # & has no relevance to any date-in-time, etc.
Shipping costs are another story with each retail mailer. They vary according to the carrier (& therefore, time in transit). The buyer's cost in dollars for the U.S. also depends on the conversion of the dollar to the Euro.

950 Years of Coburg Gift Pack (above/below)

Gingerbread Rider (above/below)

Fairy tale pack (above)

Jewelry Box (in red & lime green)
The above "cookie" has to be from one of the most elegant of all hand-carved, wooden cake board designs ever made!
Colburger Tin of Gold Sweets; a bag of 1.5" rounds developed from the oldest of monastery honey & spice cookie recipes, topped with a gold fleck. (5"x6"x5") (TTM#4077) (€ 24,20 filled; + 1/3rd = about $32 shipped to U.S. in 2023)
Small Gold Candy Tin - a paper wrapper around a plain gold tin. 5"rd x 5" (TTM#4078) (€14,00 filled; + 1/3=$18.70 shipped to U.S. in 2023)
Blue-Ivory Tin: "Greetings from Germany"; 5-stuck; 4.5"round x 5" (TTM#4079) (€18,00 filled; + 1/3rd = about $24.00 shipped to U.S. in 2023)
Golden Tin; 5-stuck; 4.5"round x 4.5" (TTM#4080) (€18,00 filled; + 1/3rd = $24.00 shipped to U.S. in 2023)
Feyler's Treats; Assorted sugar cookies; 4.5" round x 4.75" (TTM#4081) (€12,00 filled; + 1/3rd = $16.00 shipped to U.S. in 2023)
Little Angel Meets Santa Claus; chocolate peppernut cookies; 2.75"x4"oval x 5" (TTM#4082) (€7,50 filled; $10.00 shipped to U.S. in 2023)
950 Years of Coburg Gift Pack; assorted pkgs. of Lebkuchen; 10.5"x11.5"x3.5" (TTM#4083) (€49,50 filled; about $66 shipped to U.S. in 2023)
Gingerbread Rider; assorted pkgs. of Lebkuchen; 8.75"x10"x3 3/8" (TTM#4084) (€35,00 filled; + 1/3rd shipped to U.S. in 2023)
Fairy Tale Pack (Hansel & Gretel; the Bremer Town Musicians; & others. 6.5"x8.75"x3 3/8" (TTM#4085) (€25,00 filled + 1/3rd)
Jewelry Box in red (€9,70 filled) & lime green (€10,40 filled); 4.25"x4 3/8"x4" (TTM#4086)
2 Older Tins & website resources
The following are 2 very informative and interesting websites worthy of some time for the history of Lebkuchen and the Wilhelm Feyler development and century-plus growth of his family's continued profession.
LEBKUCHEN MANUFACTORY FEYLER – ALL KINDS OF TRADITIONAL HONEY PASTRIES https://www.buergerleben.com/lebkuchenmanufakturfeyler-2-2/
Feyler – gingerbread from a master's hand