To honor and pay tribute to our families' lives, given to create the nation / land we have to enjoy today.
Our American Bread Culture begins with food grains. The vision is to create the National Bread Museum project to preserve artifacts of our ancestral family heritage representing their lives in order to develop the foundation of grain agriculture for our benefit today. (We're not looking to create an ag museum of tractors, threshers, & all that sort of equipment. There are significant ag museums which already fill that niche. Our interest is always the "hands on" items. That's where it all began.) The following is just a sampling of what is currently available as a gift in order to create the National Bread Museum on land for our country.
1) GRAIN CRADLE - all wood except blade; 2) Tubular Pipe Frame GRINDING WHEEL / STONE - Pedal Push

Hand-pushed CULTIVATOR
ADDITIONAL CATEGORIES of ARTIFACTS of all things related to FIELD & HAND WORK to produce the GRAIN:
- Gears, Hooks, Hook Racks
- Grain implements: cast iron Corn Sheller
- Mallets, Hammers
- Milk Cans, Strainer, Milker
- Scythes, Sickles, Rakes, Flails, Forks, Hooks, Pulleys
- Shovels & Scoops
- Splayed-leg Stools & Benches; Stave Buckets & Barrels
- Thatched Roofing
- Wheels
- Yokes for man, goats, cows; Bells; Horse Harnesses
ADVERTISING artifacts: Grain, Flour Mills, Flour Companies, Manufacturing Companies of Baking & related Ingredients used in Home Baking, along with Paper, Tin, Metals, Wood, Plastic, other items; Appliance Companies
COMMERCIAL: Bills of Lading; Property Deeds
RELATED OCCUPATIONS: Cooper, Shoe Maker, Knife Sharpener, Blacksmith, Tool & Die, Iron Monger, Hardware Store owner, Leather - Tanner, Printer, Milling, Granary Operations, Grain Bag Manufacturer, Scales - Weights & Measures, etc. ~ ~ ~ all necessary in the name of "growing grain" in order to eat to survive.
Hand-hewn out of a log! The treasure is the hands which created this bucket at least a century ago!! (German Seller figured 1800s.)
These and the next 8 artifact photos -- all from 1-5 German flohmarkts a week, 1989-1991. It was a major investment of time.
Hand-carved "scoop" shovels out of one piece of wood.
a wood & leather animal yoke - European
Hand-made Peels for "Hole-in-the-Wall" ovens!
A hand-carved wooden shovel to deflect any sparks in the fresh, hot, piles of grain. A peel is behind the shovel, & a wooden rake.

Images of Heckles or Hatchels used with the grain, flax. The seeds are harvested for a food grain, and the stalks are put through a process to create the threads to weave into a fabric known as linen. These are some of the tools used in the stalk-to-linen process.

Hand-carved, one piece wooden paddles used to pound and break down the fibers in the flax stalks in order to obtain the "threads" for weaving into linen cloth. (Above photo shows 1/8th" thin-thickness.)
Continue on to see the Home Baking Artifacts.