This is the HOME PAGE to the "Bread Museum & Study Center."
National Bread Museum's 9 thematic components:
The vision of The National Bread Museum is to have a baking school for the public of all ages (a basic class offered with every museum visit, all school visits, for rehabilitation therapy, immigration assimilation, & more); opportunities for home bakers to teach a class (many general "basics," and especially ethnic heritage baked goods); guests...
The "Hole-in-the-Wall" oven is a tradition to behold! It's a "Step Back in Time of Living History," usually associated with what's considered "The Old World." What an experience! It will be an educational unit, plus the in-house & retail bakery.
The National Bread Museum Library
Mars produced the first M&M's candies in 1941 as military rations during WWII. This tin was a gift to the Founder's husband from their daughter to her 26-yr. retired vet father. If you don't know what the two red & blue striped edges represent, ask a baby boomer to tell you the story of yesteryear's mail, and maybe show you...
Everyone in this country has ROOTS from another land -- another part of the world. Most of us aren't OF other lands, but we can TRACE our lineage IF some of our family before us kept logging down the ties that bind. If you have your Family Tree Record of ancestors, you're very blessed to say the least. We know...
Located in the heart of OMAHA, NEBRASKA
Can you trace your family roots back to your first ancestral immigrants? Every person should know of the "ties that bind." The schools no longer teach cursive, nor include a Family Tree in the curriculum, so it's up to us to stay in control of everyone's full knowledge. Another objective of the Tribute & Honor Archive is to...